Digital-Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising has witnessed a remarkable evolution over the years, and with it, the need to engage diverse and tech-savvy audiences, particularly Generation Z (Gen Z). Born between the late 1990s and early 2010s, Gen Z is the first generation to have grown up with digital technology at their fingertips.

According to the latest report from Out of Home Advertising Association of America (OAAA) and Nielsen, this generation commands $44 billion in buying power and finds Out-of-Home’s (OOH) highest index is among young consumers, reaching 90% of US travelers aged 16+ in a month and 80% of this audience in a week.

Another 2017 study by Kantar Millward Brown, Gen Zers favor OOH because they find it “relaxing”, unlike digital ads that can track them no matter where they go online. As a result, and in order to capture their attention and make an impact in the world of DOOH, advertisers need to adapt and innovate.

In this blog post, we’ll explore strategies for captivating Gen Z in the realm of DOOH advertising.

How to Create a Successful DOOH Advertising Campaign

Understanding Gen Z’s Digital Landscape

Before diving into strategies, it’s crucial to understand Gen Z’s digital landscape. Gen Z is highly tech-oriented, with most members owning smartphones and being active on various social media platforms. They are digital natives who expect personalized, relevant, and visually appealing content. To create effective DOOH campaigns for Gen Z, consider the following strategies:

  1. Embrace Authenticity and Transparency

Gen Z values authenticity and transparency in advertising. They can spot inauthentic content from a mile away. To captivate them, your DOOH campaigns should focus on real stories, genuine experiences, and relatable characters. Avoid overly scripted or staged content.

  1. Leverage User-Generated Content

Gen Z is more likely to trust content created by their peers rather than traditional advertising. Incorporate user-generated content (UGC) into your DOOH campaigns, showcasing reviews, testimonials, and social media posts from satisfied customers. This approach adds credibility and authenticity to your message.

  1. Personalization is Key

Gen Z expects personalized experiences, and this extends to DOOH advertising. Utilize data-driven insights to tailor your messages based on location, time of day, and user preferences. The more relevant and personalized your content, the more likely Gen Z is to engage with it.

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  1. Interactivity and Engagement

DOOH campaigns that encourage interaction are more likely to captivate Gen Z. Incorporate QR codes, augmented reality (AR), and gamification elements to make your campaigns interactive and engaging.

  1. Short, Snappy Content

Gen Z has a shorter attention span than previous generations. Keep your DOOH content concise and to the point. Use compelling visuals, catchy headlines, and minimal text to convey your message quickly and effectively.

  1. Embrace Social Issues and Causes

Gen Z is known for its strong social consciousness. Align your DOOH campaigns with relevant social issues and causes that matter to this generation. Show how your brand is making a positive impact on society, and be authentic in your efforts.

  1. Mobile Integration

Given Gen Z’s attachment to their smartphones, consider integrating mobile devices into your DOOH campaigns. Create QR codes or short URLs that allow viewers to easily access additional content or discounts by scanning their phones.

  1. Utilize Influencer Marketing

Partnering with Gen Z influencers who align with your brand can significantly boost your DOOH campaigns’ effectiveness. Influencers have the ability to connect with their audience on a personal level, making them powerful advocates for your brand.

  1. Experiment with TikTok and Instagram Stories

TikTok and Instagram Stories are two platforms that Gen Z frequents. Explore creative ways to leverage these platforms in your DOOH campaigns. For instance, you can display user-generated TikTok videos or Instagram Stories featuring your products or services.

  1. Leverage Location-Based Advertising

Geo-fencing and location-based targeting can be particularly effective when targeting Gen Z. Use DOOH screens strategically in high-traffic areas where Gen Z congregates, such as shopping malls, college campuses, and entertainment districts.

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  1. Dynamic Content Updates

Keep your DOOH content fresh and up-to-date. Gen Z appreciates real-time updates and current information. Use dynamic content management systems to change your messages, promotions, and visuals as needed.

Case Studies: Successful DOOH Campaigns Targeting Gen Z

Let’s delve into a few case studies that demonstrate the successful implementation of these strategies in DOOH campaigns targeting Gen Z.

  1. Nike’s “You Can’t Stop Us” Campaign

Nike’s “You Can’t Stop Us” DOOH campaign showcased the power of authentic storytelling. It featured inspiring stories of athletes overcoming challenges and hardships. This campaign resonated with Gen Z by highlighting real experiences and portraying athletes as role models. It also included user-generated content, such as videos of people showcasing their own athletic achievements, creating a sense of community.

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  1. Burger King’s Augmented Reality Stunt

Burger King executed a creative DOOH campaign using augmented reality. They encouraged passersby to scan their billboards with their smartphones, triggering an AR experience that revealed discounts and promotions. This interactive approach engaged Gen Z and drove traffic to Burger King locations, all while creating a buzz on social media.

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  1. Spotify’s Data-Driven Campaigns

Spotify is known for its data-driven approach to DOOH advertising. They use real-time data, such as trending songs and playlists, to create dynamic and highly personalized DOOH campaigns. These campaigns not only resonate with Gen Z’s love for music but also offer content that’s constantly evolving and relevant.

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How to Create a Successful DOOH Advertising Campaign

The Future of DOOH Advertising and Gen Z

As Gen Z continues to shape the advertising landscape, DOOH campaigns will need to evolve to meet their expectations. With authenticity, personalization, interactivity, and a focus on social causes, advertisers can successfully captivate this generation. Additionally, keeping an eye on emerging technologies and platforms will be crucial in staying ahead of the curve in DOOH advertising.

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In conclusion, Gen Z presents both challenges and opportunities for DOOH advertisers. By understanding their digital landscape, preferences, and values, brands can create campaigns that not only capture Gen Z’s attention but also resonate with their values and aspirations. It’s an exciting era for DOOH advertising, as brands embrace innovation and creativity to engage this tech-savvy and socially conscious generation.

Get Started with Programmatic DOOH Today

With The Neuron, this all happens via single-click processes on a dashboard that’s easy to use and navigate. You can then use the platform to track your campaign and view in-depth analytics so you can adjust and optimize in real-time.

It couldn’t be easier to get started with programmatic DOOH. Start now!

Try The Neuron today.
